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Welcome to CGA Ontario
Name Your Need
What do you need to know about the CGA program of professional studies? For the answers—and a chance to win a $2,500 scholarship—visit CGA Ontario’s dedicated website, where you can watch videos of certified general accountants who provide a first-hand testimonial on the value of achieving a CGA designation.

spotlight Pertinent Tax Information and Tips for Post-Secondary Students in Ontario
A new initiative this year is a tax resource aimed specifically at post-secondary students in Ontario. It covers pertinent areas such as tuition fees and education credits; other tax credits and exemptions; the student loan interest tax credit; RRSP contributions; RRSP education withdrawals; moving expenses; and more.

Executive Summaries of 2006 Salary Survey
Now online, executive summaries of compiled results of CGA Ontario’s 2006 salary survey of CGAs and students in the CGA program of professional studies.

Employers Asked to “Name Your Need”
Have you seen CGA Ontario’s television commercials yet? They ask employers to consider what their businesses need: Do they need Thriftier? Sooner? Fresher? No matter what the need, the TV ads aim to demonstrate that certified general accountants are integral to the process of adding value to every organization, in every sector, with the indispensable financial skills that organizations need. Check out our media release and (international) coverage.

"I need a career with excellent earning potential."
This year 775 more high achievers became CGAs in Ontario. They chose the CGA designation because the career of a CGA offers unlimited advancement and earning potential. As presidents, CEOs, CFOs, directors and partners, Ontario CGAs hold senior financial executive positions, ranking in the top five per cent of income earners in Canada. In today’s business world there is a growing demand for highly skilled finance professionals; the CGA designation bears the mark of professional competence, demonstrating you have what it takes to exceed employer expectations. Discover how you can become a CGA.

Media Relations
Media Relations We’ve long recognized the intrinsic value internationally trained professionals bring to our membership, as well as contributing immensely to the Ontario and Canadian economies and various communities. A long-time, joint project of the Certified General Accountants of Ontario and the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Trade is the Resource Guide for Business Immigrants to Ontario booklet. Download and print the PDF file or order a copy of this resource (and other public information booklets in our comprehensive series) today!

Services Better Serving Your Needs: Enhanced Employment Referral Service
CGA Ontario is pleased to announce its enhanced and improved employment referral service. Whether you’re an employer or a job seeker (member benefit only), consider using CGA Ontario’s flexible and responsive job posting service.

Accountant Referral Service

Looking to hire a professional accountant to complete financial statements or help establish a new business? Seeking help with complicated tax returns? If you require assistance with your accounting and financial needs, search CGA Ontario's free accountant referral service system for contact information on CGAs in your area.
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